Missed Appointment and Cancellations Policy

A 48-hour advance notice to cancel an appointment is required to not incur a charge. If you miss a session without notice or with less than 48-hour notice, you will be charged a flat fee of $75. Emergencies occur from time to time and will be assessed on a case by case basis in order to waive the fee.

Fees & Payment Info

Each therapist sets their own fees for counseling services. Your therapist will review the fees with you prior to your first appointment and the current fees will also be listed on their personal pages on the website. Payment is made at the time services are rendered. Our office accepts payments by cash, check, credit/debit.

Using Insurance & Reimbursement

Most sessions are provided on a fee for service basis, which means that our therapists are not currently on any type of managed care or insurance providers list. However, many insurance companies will reimburse at a different rate for out of network services. The receipt that is provided commonly suffices to obtain reimbursement from insurance companies. You should be aware that if you elect to use your insurance, your contact with your insurance company requires that certain information be available to them. Your receipt must reflect your clinical diagnosis. Once you receive reimbursement, they have a right to request additional treatment information such as treatment plans, periodic status reports or even copies of your therapeutic record. If that occurs, your therapist will make every attempt to release minimal information for the purpose stipulated and will notify you of their request. This information will become part of your insurance file and could find its way into a national information databank. Even though they claim to keep such information confidential, neither you nor I have any control over the information once it is released to them. You do have the option to pay out of pocket to avoid such scenarios. Please feel free to discuss your insurance options and ramifications with your therapist at any time.

Phone/Text/Email Communication and Consultation

Most of our therapists do offer phone or virtual sessions as an intermittent option for treatment. As a rule, we don't want these types of sessions to account for more than 30% of your sessions together. Occasionally clients need to reach their therapist in between sessions or after office hours. Any phone calls lasting more than 15 minutes will be charged as a full session. The use of texting and emailing needs to be limited to scheduling and basic information exchanges and will not include therapy or treatment. We are not a crisis 24/7 facility. If you need immediate assistance and are in crisis please call 911 or visit the nearest hospital.